A great conversation on Pastoral Health and Flourishing in Ministry between Dr. Scott Daniels and Dr. Chris Adams.
A New Creation Conversations Podcast
If anyone is in Christ, that person is part of the new creation. However, living in the new creation isn’t easy, it takes honesty with God, vulnerability with one another, and the empowerment of the Spirit. These conversations with Christian scholars, pastors, and lay-leaders – hosted by pastor and theologian Dr. Scott Daniels – are meant to encourage, inform, and expand the imagination of those seeking to live as a reflection of Christ’s new creation.

Rev. Chris Adams, Ph.D., is a Professor, Chaplain, and Executive Director of the Mental Health and the Church Project at Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (Biola University). Chris is the lead researcher for the Flourishing in Ministry project. He is a frequent speaker at seminaries, pastors’ and spouses’ retreats, and conferences. View Bio