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Chris Adams
Executive Director, Mental Health & the Church Initiative
Chris Adams Rev. Chris Adams, PhD, is a third-generation pastor’s kid, ordained minister, clinical psychologist, and certified wellbeing and leadership coach. He has served in pastoral care and counseling roles in a large congregation and a large Christian university. He specializes in the wellbeing of ministerial students, clergy, and their families. Chris currently serves as Professor, Chaplain, and Executive Director of the Mental Health and the Church initiative at Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology, Biola University.
Chris teaches pastoral care and counseling, Christian leadership formation, and psychology and Christianity integration courses for Rosemead and several seminaries. Chris is a consultant to numerous denominations and seminaries in the areas of clergy candidate formative evaluation, clergy health and flourishing, and pastoral leadership formation. He is the lead researcher for the Flourishing in Ministry project, and is currently participating as a consultant and researcher with the Duke Clergy Health Initiative. Chris is a frequent lecturer at seminaries, retreats, and conferences. He is married to Lori, a cardiac nurse, and they have two children – Lexi (12) and Cole (8). Chris enjoys spending time with his family, tennis, soccer, scuba diving, and music (especially jazz).
- Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
- MAT, Fuller Theological Seminary
- MSMFT, Fuller Theological Seminary
- B.A. Trevecca Nazarene University
Research Interests
- Leadership and wellbeing coaching
- Spiritual formation
- Pastoral care and counseling
- Mental health and the church
- Clergy and missionary wellbeing
- Church health
- Ministry organizational consulting
- Psychological evaluations of clergy and missionary candidates
- John Stauffer Memorial Merit Fellowship (2002)
- Robertson Fellowship (2002-2006)
- Headington Scholarship (2004-2005)
- Dean’s List (2002-2007)
- APU Faculty Member of the Year Nominee (2019)
- American Psychological Association Member (2004-present)
- Christian Association for Psychological Studies Member (2002-present)
- American Association of Christian Counselors Member (2000-present)
- Church of the Nazarene Ordained Elder (2000-present)
- Wesleyan Theological Society Member (1999-present)
- Society for the Study of the Integration of Wesleyan Theology and Psychology Charter Member (1999-2019) (2009-2011 President)
- Adams, C., Bloom, M., Rhodes, S. & Houseal, R. (2021). Flourishing in Ministry: A Nazarene Guidebook. Nazarene Clergy Development, Kansas City.
- Higle, D., Bloom, M., & Adams, C. (2020). 2020 Well-being report on Wesleyan clergy. Wesleyan Clergy Development and Education. Marion, IN.
- Adams, C. (2019). How to truly appreciate your pastor. Christian Post: https://www.christianpost.com/voices/how-to-truly-appreciate-your-pastor.html
- Adams, C. J. (2018). In Dr. Stan Rodes (Ed.), The Restoration of Clergy in the Church of the Nazarene: An Implementation Guide for District Leaders. Church of the Nazarene Clergy Development.
- Janowski, P. J., Sandage, S. J., Bell, C. A., Ruffin, E. G., Adams, C. J. (2018). Humility, Relational Spirituality, and Wellbeing among Religious Leaders: A Moderated mediation model. Journal of Religion and Health. 10.1007/s10943-018-0580-8.
- Adams, C. J., Bloom, M. (2017). Flourishing in Ministry: Wellbeing at Work in Helping Professions. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 36(3), 7.
- Adams, C. J. (2017). Tending the Shepherds: Helping Ministers Thrive (4th ed., vol. 29, pp. 5). APU Life. https://www.apu.edu/articles/tending-the-shepherds-helping-ministers-to-thrive/
- Adams, C. J. (2016). In Kara Miller (Ed.), Keeping the Faith in Seminary.
- Christianity Today. http://www.seminarygradschool.com/article/Keeping-Faith-in-Seminary?page=3
- Fok-Trela, A., Bustrum, J., Adams, C. J., Brokaw, D., Caddell, T. (2016). A Systems Perspective on Cultural Adjustment in Long-Term Overseas Missionaries. Journal of Psychology and Theology.
- Adams, C. J. (2016). Clergy burnout: A comparison study with other professions. Pastoral Psychology, 1-29. link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11089-016-0722-4
- Adams, C. (2015). Putting it all together: Spiritual formation in college. In Momentum, Ed. Eileen Hulme. Dallas: Magnolia Media Press.
- Allan, C, Bustrum, J., Brokaw, D., & Adams, C. (2014). Missionary perspectives on the effectiveness of current member care practices. Journal of Psychology and Theology.
- Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Smith, B., Eisenberg, A., LeGrand, S., Adams, C., & Wilk, A. (2014). The glory of God is a human being fully alive: Predictors of positive versus negative mental health among clergy. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. DOI: 10.1111/jssr.12234.
- Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Miles, A., Toth, M., Adams, C, Smith, B., & Toole, D. (2013). Using effort-reward imbalance theory to understand high rates of depression and anxiety among clergy. Journal of Primary Prevention.
- Bledsoe, S., Setterlund, K., Adams, C., & Connolly, M. (2013). Promoting emotional well-being among Southern California parishioners through clergy/mental health practitioner collaboration. Social Work and Christianity, 40 (1), pp. 23-45.
- Adams, C. & Visser, M. (2013). Faith Integration: Faith and Living Co-curricular Spiritual Development Assessment WASC Report. Azusa Pacific University.
- Proeschold-Bell, R.J., LeGrand, S., James, J., Wallace, A., Adams, C., & Toole, D. (2009). A theoretical model of the holistic health of United Methodist clergy. Journal of Religion and Health.
- Adams, C. (2004). The Sins of the Father: Toward a Wesleyan approach to family systems. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 23, 149-154.
- Proeschold-Bell, R.J., LeGrand, S., James, J., Wallace, A., Adams, C., & Toole, D. (2009). A theoretical model of the holistic health of United Methodist clergy. Journal of Religion and Health.
- Adams, C. (2004). The Sins of the Father: Toward a Wesleyan approach to family systems. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 23, 149-154.
- Proeschold-Bell, R.J., LeGrand, S., James, J., Wallace, A., Adams, C., & Toole, D. (2009). A theoretical model of the holistic health of United Methodist clergy. Journal of Religion and Health.
- Adams, C. (2004). The Sins of the Father: Toward a Wesleyan approach to family systems. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 23, 149-154.
- Adams, C. (2021). Church Planting Leadership Fellowship Annual Conference. “Flourishing in Ministry as a Church Planter”, Wheaton University.
- Adams, C. (2020). “Flourishing in ministry: Implications for early career clergy development”. Kern Foundation APDP network webinar.
- Adams, C. (2020). “Flourishing in Ministry”. PC USA Mid-Council Leaders webinar.
- Adams, C. (2019). Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Conference, “Forming and sustaining a positive pastoral identity”, St. Louis, MO.
- Adams, C. (2018). Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Conference, “Flourishing in Ministry: Translational Research as an Organizational Intervention”, Las Vegas, NV.
- Adams, C. (2018). UMC Ministerial Assessment Specialists Quadrennial Training, “Best Practices in Clergy Candidate Assessment”, Dallas, TX.
- Adams, C. J. (2018). Faculty/Staff In-Service, “Pastoral Care for the College Mental Health Crisis,” Spiritual Development Office George Fox University, Newberg, OR.
- Adams, C. J., Graffius, J. (2018). Guest Lecture, “Flourishing in Ministry,” Doctor of Ministry, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
- Adams, C. J. (2018). Bible Lectures, “Flourishing in Ministry,” Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA.
- Adams, C. J. (2018). Guest Lecture, “Clergy Candidate Assessment and Denominational Consulting,” Fuller Theological Seminary School of Psychology, Pasadena, CA.
- Adams, C. J. (2018). Doctor of Ministry Department Workshop, “Flourishing in Ministry,” Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
- Adams, C. J. (2017). Masters of Ministry Class Guest Lecture, “Flourishing in Ministry,” Life Pacific, San Dimas, CA.
- Adams, C. J. (2017). Guest Lecture, “Flourishing in Ministry,” Bethel Seminary, San Diego.
- Adams, C. J. (2017). Hispanic Ministerial Candidate Workshop, “Flourishing in Ministry,” Point Loma Nazarene University, Bakersfield, CA.
- Adams, C. J. (2017). Guest Lecture, “Clergy Care Consulting with Denominations,” Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
- Adams, C. J. (2016). Positive Mental Health Confernece, “Flourishing in Ministry,” Texas Health Symposium, Dallas, TX.
- Adams, C. J. (2016). MDiv Class, “Flourishing in Ministry,” Bethel Seminary, San Diego, CA.
- Adams, C. J. (2016). Duke Rural Church Convocation, “Flourishing in Ministry,” The Duke Endowment, Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Adams, C. J. (2016). Denominational Caregivers Gathering, “Flourishing in Ministry,” Wesley Seminary Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, IN.
- Adams, C. J. (2016). Doctor of Ministry Class, “Clergy Burnout vs. Flourishing in Ministry: The Duke Clergy Health Initiative,” Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
- Adams, C. J. (2016). Clinical Integration Colloquium, “The Case of the Perfect Blood: Clergy Candidate Assessment,” Fuller Theological Seminary School of Psychology, Pasadena, CA.
- Adams, C. & Bloom, M. (2016). Flourishing in ministry: The Relationships pastors need to cultivate resilience. Christian Association for Psychological Studies International Conference. Pasadena, CA.
- Adams, C. & Bloom, M. (2016). Flourishing in ministry: The Relationships pastors need to cultivate resilience. Common Day of Learning, Azusa Pacific University.
- Adams, C. & Proesched-Bell, R.J. (2016). Ministry burnout versus flourishing in ministry: The Duke Clergy Health Initiative. The Society for the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology Annual Conference. Point Loma Nazarene University: San Diego, CA.
- Adams, C. J. (2016). Masters in Leadership Class, “Flourishing in Ministry,” Life Pacific College, San Dimas, CA.
- Adams, C. (2015). Invited Lecture. Kern Family Foundation Work With Purpose Grant-Funded Program. Bethel Seminary. San Diego, CA.
- Adams, C. (2015). Flourishing in Ministry Summit. Wesley Theological Seminary. Washington D.C.
- Adams, C. (2015). Fostering flourishing in pastoral ministry: Highlights from the Duke Clergy Health Initiative. Christian Association for Psychological Studies Annual Conference. Denver, CO.
- Adams, C. (2014). Duke Endowment Clergy Wellness Summit. Duke Divinity School. Durham, NC.
- Adams, C. & Proesched-Bell, R.J. (2014). Clergy mental health: Highlights from the Duke Clergy Health Initiative. Flourishing in Ministry Conference. Indiana Wesleyan University.
- Adams, C. (2014). Ministry stress and self-care: Fostering flourishing in pastoral ministry. Bible Lectures: Boone Center for the Family. Pepperdine University.
- Adams, C. (2014). Clergy health: Highlights from the Duke Clergy Health Initiative. Presentation at the Ministerial Assessment Specialist Quadrennial Conference for the United Methodist Church General Board of Education and Ministry. Dallas, TX.
- Adams, C., Proeschold-Bell, R. J., Smith, B., LeGrand, S., Miles, A., Toole, D., & Kolkin, M. (2014). Clergy mental health: Highlights from the Duke Clergy Health Initiative. Paper presentation at the 12th Annual Mid-Year Conference on Religion and Spirituality, Division 36, American Psychological Association. LaMirada, California.
- Adams, C. VanValin, P. (2013). Intensive assessment and intervention with distressed pastors. Christian Association for Psychological Studies International Conference: Portland, OR.
- Adams, C. & Proeschold-Bell, R.J. (2012). The Duke Clergy Health Initiative. Christian Association for Psychological Studies International Conference: Washington, D.C.
- Adams, C. & Fok, A. (2012). Toward a complex mediated model of competency-based missionary assessment and effectiveness. Christian Association for Psychological Studies International Conference: Washington, D.C.
- Adams, C. & Proeschold-Bell, R.J. (2012). An Update on the Duke Clergy Health Initiative: Recent findings on clergy mental and physical health. The Society for the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology Annual Conference. Trevecca Nazarene University: Nashville, TN.
- Adams, C. & Fok, A. (2012). Pre-Deployment Missionary Candidate Assessment: Toward a Complex Model of Competency-Based Missionary Effectiveness. The Society for the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology Annual Conference. Trevecca Nazarene University: Nashville.
- Adams, C. & Fok, A. (2012). Pre-Deployment Missionary Candidate Assessment: Toward a Complex Model of Competency-Based Missionary Effectiveness. Common Day of Learning. Azusa Pacific University.
- Nworie, B. & Adams, C. (2012). Reasoning together about Faith Integration in Education. Common Day of Learning. Azusa Pacific University.
- Kaak, P., Wilkens, S., & Adams, C. (2012). Studied sanctification. Common Day of Learning. Azusa Pacific University.
- Adams, C. (2012). Spiritual Development Research: A Critical Review. Christian College Leadership Conference: Azusa Pacific University.
- Robello, N.; Fok, A.; Adams, C.J.; Connolly, H. & Sickel, A. (2011). Gender differences with MMPI-2 findings among missionary population. Poster Presentation: APA Annual Convention.
- Proeschold-Bell, R.J. & Adams, C. (2011). High rates of depression among United Methodist Clergy. Mental Health Issues in Psychology of Religion. APA Division 36 Mid-Year Annual Conference.
- Adams, C. (2011). Homosexuality and the Christian University. Christian College Leadership Conference University Administrator Roundtable. Azusa Pacific University.
- Adams, C, Proeschold-Bell, R.J. (2010).The Duke Clergy Health Initiative. The Society for the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology Annual Conference. Azusa Pacific University: Azusa, CA.
- Adams, C., Hunt, R., & Fok, A. (2010). Clergy assessment, development, health, and effectiveness: An empirically-based, theoretical model. Presentation at the Ministerial Assessment Specialist Quadrennial Conference for the United Methodist Church, Houston, TX.
- Proescholdbell, R.J., James, J., Wallace, A., LeGrand, S., & Adams, C. (2009). A Theoretical Model of Holistic Health of United Methodist Clergy. Paper presentation at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Spirituality, Theology and Health. Durham, North Carolina.
- Adams, C. (2009). The Emotional Health of Pastors: Emerging Models of Research and Intervention. American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference. Nashville, TN.
- Adams, C. (2009). APU Continuum of Pastoral Care. CCCU Campus Pastors Annual Convention: San Juan Capistrano, CA.
- Adams, C. (2004). Dysfunctional Congregations. Azusa Pacific University Common Day of Learning: Dedication of Duke Building for Haggard School of Theology.
- Foy, D.W., Eriksson, C.B., Schrock, D.A., Adams, C., & Marty, A. (2004). Work related stress and resilience in humanitarian aid workers. Paper presented at the 112th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
- Adams, E., Marty, A., Adams, C., Cassell, B., Bibler, H., Bjorck, J., Eriksson, C., & Foy, D. (2002). Predicting adjustment in short-term humanitarian workers. Poster presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, November 2002: Baltimore, MD.
- Fawcett, J., Eriksson, C., Schrock, D., Adams, C. & Foy, D. (2003, May). Interpersonal stressors in humanitarian aid: A qualitative analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Berlin, Germany.
- Adams, C. (2001). Wesley and Emotionally Focused Therapy. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology. Asbury Seminary: Wilmore, KY.
- Adams, C. (2000). Toward a Wesleyan Understanding of Family Systems. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology. Asbury, KY.